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Course Offerings and Requirements

A minor in Medicine & Society requires 15 hours of approved coursework: the foundation course “Readings in Medicine & Society” (HON 3301H) as well as four elective courses chosen from the list of courses approved for the minor. At least two of these four electives must be taken at the advanced (3000-4000) level. In some cases, other related coursework or internships may be applied toward the minor, with prior approval from the director. Students must earn a 3.0 or higher in all coursework for the minor.

In addition, students must complete at least 12 hours in residence, nine hours of which must be at the advanced (30004000) level. A maximum of six hours of approved transfer credits may be accepted toward the minor upon the approval of the program director. No more than six hours of a student’s major may be applied toward the minor.

Classes in boldface type indicate a course is being offered Fall 2025 and/or Spring 2026.

I. HON 3301H: Readings in Medicine & Society (3 hours)

II. Approved Electives (12 hours):

AAS 3323H/ SOC 3323H: Comparative Health Care: Africa and the USA
ANTH 3351: Politics and Healthcare in Latino Communities
ANTH 3364: Disease in Antiquity
ANTH 4331: Medical Anthropology
BIOL 3350H: Science Communication Strategies
COMM 3300: Health Communication
COMM 3301H: Doctor-Patient Interaction
COMM 3304: Multicultural Health Communication
ENGL 4371H: Literature and Medicine
HIST 3303H: Disease, Health, and Medicine in American History
HIST 3316H: Race and Racism in American Science and Medicine
HIST 3318H: History of American Healthcare Policy
HIST 3319H: Plagues and Pestilence
HIST 3356: History of Madness
HIST 4361H: 20th Century Genocides
HON 3300H: Introduction to Healthcare Systems
HON 3302H: Readings in Public Health and Community Medicine
HON 3303H: Readings in Mental Health & Society
HON 3304H: Global Systems of Medicine
HON 3305H: Medicine in Performance
HON 3306H: Health and Human Rights
HON 3307H: Narrative Medicine
HON 3308H: Lyric Medicine
HON 3309H: Introduction to the Health Professions
HON 3341H: Medicine, Science & Technology in the Pre-Modern World
HON 3342H: Medicine, Science & Technology in the Modern World
HON 3343H: Breaking the Silence: Gender, Bodies, & Health
HON 3397H: Body and Mind at War
HON 3397H: Global Bioethics
HON 3397H: Intro to Meditation
HON 3397H: Metaphors of Body & Illness
HON 4330H: Narratives in the Professions
HON 4397H: Social Advocacy in Action
HON 4397H: Loss & Recovery Narratives
IDNS 4391H: Ethics in Science
IDNS 4392H: History of 20th Century Science
PHIL 3354H: Medical Ethics
POLS 3352H: U.S. Immigration Polic
POLS 3353H: Policy and Administration
RELS 3366H: Magic, Divination, and Healing
SOC 3380: Introduction to the Sociology of Healthcare
SPAN 3343H: Spanish for the Health Professions
SPAN 4343H: Health & Society in the Hispanic World